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Shirin Neshat is the most famous Iranian artist in the world, even though she’s spent a large part of her adult life in exile. Her work is both intensely personal and intensely political, dealing with Iranian identity, Islamic society, and the role of women in both. Eleanor Wachtel, host of Writers & Company, talks to Shirin Neshat about growing up in pre-revolutionary Iran, her work as an artist, and why it’s a deep expression of her own conflicted relationship with her homeland.

I am deeply inspired by Shirin Neshat's work but not necessarily because of the reasons stated above but because of reasons which are explored further within the following interview. Shirin's work has a dialogue of conflict & balance, this very idealogy has fueled the inspiration for the Interlacing Opposing Thoughts series, SHARD as well as the newest series which I am working on now.

The following is an interview clip taken from the CBC.

Wachtel on the arts: Shirin Neshat

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